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329-41日,2018年北京大学国际模拟联合国大会(简称AIMUN)于北京成功举办,我校巴基斯坦留学生Sanwal Hussain参与了此次大会,并获得了杰出代表(Outstanding Delegate)。Sanwal Hussain为我校公共管理学院公共管理专业硕士研究生,导师为谢小青副教授。此次会上,Sanwal的优异表现不仅展现了我校留学生的气质风貌,也凸显了我校对于世界青年领导力的重视与培养。

AIMUN 2018的主题是——全球化的交汇处:与青年前行在此次大会中,Sanwal参与了联合国环境署委员会会议,议题为“提倡旅游业的可持续发展”。作为卢森堡代表,Sanwal在会议讨论中发挥了积极作用,成功削弱了发达国家代表对于会议议程的主导,成果颇丰。与此同时,Sanwal还在大会中认识了许多来自其他学校的优秀代表,在紧张的会议讨论与丰富多彩的会外活动中缔结了深厚的友谊。Sanwal表示,此次获得北大模联“杰出代表”奖项是目前他在模拟联合国活动中取得的最佳成绩。

据悉,AIMUN 2014年创立,每年都有来自内地及港澳台地区的众多国内代表和来自全球各国的海外代表加入,至今已成功举办五届。

The Development of Global Youth Leadership: A CUG international student awarded with “Outstanding Delegate” in AIMUN 2018

AIMJUN 2018 was held with big success in Beijing from March 29th to April 1st. Sanwal Hussain, a Pakistani international student from CUG, had participated in the conference and was awarded with “Outstanding Delegate”. Sanwal Hussain studied at the School of Publish Administration at CUG and majored in public administration under the tutorship of Prof. Xie. At the conference, Sanwal’s excellent performance not only showed the qualities and spirits of CUG international students, but also highlighted how CUG was attaching great importance to the development of global youth leadership.

The theme of AIMUN 2018 was “Globalization at the Crossroads: Moving Forward with Youth”. At the conference, Sanwal worked as a member of the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) committee and the topic was “Advocating Sustainable Development in Tourism’. As the delegate of Luxembourg, Sanwal played an active role in sessional discussions and succeeded in blocking the developed nations, the main driving force of most discussions. Meanwhile, Sanwal made deep friendship with many delegates from other universities through intensive conference discussions and diversified additional activities. Sanwal mentioned that it was his best achievement at MUN platform.

AIMUN was established in 2014 and has held 5 annuals conferences so far. In the past five years, an increasing number of Chinese and international student delegates have come to participate in AIMUN.
