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Safety Notice for All the International Students of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)


 According to University arrangement,2018 summer holiday will start from July 16 to Sept. 3, 2018. As noticed before, all the students should register online if they plan to leave university during summer holiday.


In order to ensure a safe living and learning environment suring summer holiday, the International Student Affairs Office would like to remind students to pay attention to the safety tips:

1. 严格注意用电安全,不违规使用电器,如电炉子等,不私搭电线,注意宿舍电器老化情况,如有发现异常,请第一时间与物业服务中心老师联系。为保证暑期离校学生房间安全,国际教育学院联合物业服务中心将于720日对暑期离校学生房间进行断电清查,请同学们离校之前处理好冰箱存储物品。

Pay attention to the safely using electricity, do not using the prohibited or high-volume electricity equipment,like the electric stove, do not personally change the electricity wires or structure without any permit, if any international students find something usual of the electricity or equipment, please report to the staff of Property Service Center. Considering the students safety, international office will cut off the students room electricity for the ones who will be not in campus as registered during the summer holiday on July 20, 2018.

2. 夏季气温较高,出行时注意防晒,时刻提防高温、暴雨等天气。大风天气下有可能发生的高空坠物等情况,不去河边、湖边等危险地带。

During summer holiday, the temperature is very high, and weather is always hot, please take awareness of the extremely high temperatures and rainstorm days, especially when you go outside, please pay much attention to the falling objects in case of, do not skating in the rivers or lakes which is full of safety uncertainty.

3. 全体留学生必须遵守中国法律法规和校纪校规。违反国家法律、法令、法规受到公安、司法部门处罚者,视其情节轻重,给予严重警告直至开除学籍处分;尤其是谨防非法打工、签证过期、酗酒闹事、校外住宿扰民等常见违法违纪行为发生。临近假期,如有需要请假的同学,必须严格按照中国地质大学国际学生请假规定向相关的老师以及学院同时报备,得到获批之后方可请假。

All international students must complywith Chinese laws and regulations in addition to our universitys policies.Violation of national laws, ordinances, and statutes will result in legal penalties from the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice, and,depending on the severity of the offense, will be given a serious warning that could lead to expulsion from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). Of special note are common violations such as illegal working with student visa, expired visas, unruly behavior due to alcohol, and disturbing the peace when staying off campus. Students who need to ask for leave must do so in strict accordance with CUGs policies regarding taking leave for international students in addition to notifying and receiving permission from relevant teachers and departments.

4. 交通与出行安全提醒。遵守交通法规,注意交通安全。不得骑行摩托车和无牌照电动车。电瓶车行驶不超速、不超载、骑自行车不逆行行驶、不闯红灯。离开武汉必须和留学生办公室负责老师报备,随身携带有效护照,24小时登记住宿。

Traffic and travel safety reminders:Please abide by all traffic regulations and pay close attention to traffic safety.Riding motorcycles is not permitted. When riding battery-operated vehicles donot over speed or overload. If riding a bicycle, do not go against traffic orrun red lights. If you are leaving Wuhan, you must inform the International Student Office, carry a valid passport with you at all times, and register you recommendation within 24 hours of arrival at your destination.

5. 搭乘电梯安全提醒。乘扶梯时,尽量站在梯级中间,留意前方并抓紧扶手,结束乘梯时确保快速稳步离开。乘坐电梯发生故障时,请及时拨打维修或报警电话,切勿惊慌。

Reminders regarding safety when taking escalators: When riding an escalator, please stand in the middle of the stairs,pay attention to what is in front of you, and hold the handrail firmly. Make sure to exit the escalator quickly and steadily. If a malfunction occurs when riding the escalator, please call maintenance or the police, and do not panic.

6. 防盗防骗安全提醒。不要随身携带大量现金,宿舍不留宿外人,外出一定将窗、阳台、门锁好。拒绝任何形式推销,严守个人信息。一定保管好个人的有效证件,不要将个人证件借给他人使用,并随身携带有效证件的复印件。

Tips to prevent theft and fraud: Do not carry a lot of cash when going out. Do not let strangers stay in your room.When leaving your room, make sure to lock windows and balconies. Refuse any form of marketing and protect your personal information. Take care of your personal documents, and do not let others use them on your behalf. Always carry photocopy of your important documentation (e.g. passports).


公安:110  火警:119  急救电话:120

Emergency contacts: In the event of an emergency, please contact the relevant teacher when it is safe to do so. If you need urgent assistance, please call one of the following numbers:

Public Security: 110   Fire:119    First Aid: 120


We hope that all students will keep these reminders in mind, and we wish you all a safe and happy summer holiday.


                                                  International Students Affairs Office

