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1. 热爱本职工作,遵守校纪校规,以身作则;树立良好形象,遵纪守法。协助物业服务中心和学院老师的工作,密切联系同学。除进行日常的宿舍工作外,尽自己的能力为同学提供服务,解决同学们学习、生活中遇到的困难。主动、热情、负责地开展活动,积极完成各项工作任务;

2. 具体负责本楼层公共区域和各公寓生活秩序的监督和管理,防止各类违章违纪行为及时向物业服务中心和学院老师汇报;

3. 关心本楼住宿同学的生活情况,深入了解同学们的需求,协助物业服务中心做好设施报修工作,并及时听取各寝室同学的意见和建议;

4. 定期参加楼层长例会,负责做好文明寝室评比活动的推优宣传工作,协助做好迎接新生、毕业生离校、卫生成绩评比等其他工作。


有意者请发送个人简历至 1271861405@qq.com




Notice about Recruitment for Floor Leaders

With all your dreams, and for the world dreams that we share in common, we left home and went to China in pursuit of further studies, and finally we met here in the Dangui Plaza. You may not know that there are a group of people who are the guardians of the Dangui Plaza in CUG. They are the floor leaders in the Dangui Plaza. Because of them, the Dangui Plaza becomes clean and tidy. Because of them, the Dangui Plaza becomes cozy and quiet. Because of them, the Dangui Plaza becomes safe and harmonious. If you are a dedicated person, if you have a strong capability of intercultural communication, if you want to be an influential person, come to join us! The detailes of the recruitment are as follows.

1. Job vacancies

1 on 8th floor; 2 on 7th floor.

2. Job description

1) To have enthusiasm for work, abide by the university rules and regulations, and set a good example for other students; to conform to the laws and regulations of China. To assist the property service teachers and college office teachers and to keep a close connection with other students. Besides the daily works at the apartment, it is supposed to make the most efforts on offering good service to other students and solving the problems that students have met in study and life. To organize activities passionately and complete all sorts of tasks actively.

2) To manage and supervise the accommodation affairs on each floor as well as the household affairs in the public area. To prevent all kinds of activities that may violate the university rules and regulations and to report to teachers as soon as possible.

3) To care for the life of floormates and learn about the floormates needs. To assist the work of property service centre and report the equipments to be fixed, and to listen to suggestions and advices from all floormates.

4) To attend the monthly meeting for floor leaders. To cooperate with the office to organize the annual Civilized Room Evaluation Event. To help with the works such as welcoming new students, graduation, hygiene examination, etc.

3. Application

If you are interested, please fill the application form and send it to the e-mail address: 1271861405@qq.com.

4. Deadline: Oct. 8th, 2018.

International Education College

Sept. 29th, 2018
