2020 Graduation Work Arrangement
International Education College 2020 graduation work arrangements are as follows. The office may make adjustments if it is necessary. Please read carefully.
一、 博士研究生论文预答辩、评审、答辩及学位申请
Doctoral candidates’ thesis pre-defense, review, defense and degree application
(1) 所有2020年上半年拟毕业博士生自查是否达到申请预答辩资格,即专业要求学分是否修满,中文必修课学分是否已修满(阅读、写作、普通话、当今中国),截止时间:2月15日;
All PhD students who are going to graduate in July of 2020 need to check if you are qualified for applying the pre-defense (Pre-defense aims to check if you are qualified to do final defense). Check by yourselves whether credits of major are finished according to your program plan, and whether the required Chinese courses (Reading, Writing, Mandarin, China Today) are finished by February 15, 2020.
(2) 联系导师和学院申请预答辩,填写《中国地质大学(武汉)博士学位论文预答辩情况登记表》(下载地址:http://iec.cug.edu.cn/info/1019/1987.htm),并于2020年2月25日前完成预答辩。预答辩结果“通过”的方可提出盲审申请,结果“不通过”的不可参加盲审,可3个月后重新提出预答辩申请。
Contact supervisor and department to apply pre-defense and fill out PhD Degree Dissertation Pre-defense Registration Form (Download link:http://iec.cug.edu.cn/info/1019/1987.htm) and finish pre-defense before Feburary 25, 2020. If you failed pre-defense, you can’t apply blind review and need to apply pre-defense again after 3 months.
(3) 3月1日,博士研究生学位论文盲审申请启动;申请人需在论文盲审申请截止日期1个月前完成所有课程和预答辩,并已公开发表与博士学位论文内容密切相关的学术论文,填写《学位论文盲审申请表》于3月5日前提交(南望山校区交至Wendy, 未来城校区交至胡老师)。
On March 1, PhD students shall start to apply blind review on the condition that you have finished all courses, passed pre-defense and published papers according to requirements. Submit Application Form for Graduation Thesis Blind Review to submission before March 5. (Students from old campus shall submit this form to Wendy, Students from new campus shall submit this form to Mr. Hu)
Download link: http://iec.cug.edu.cn/info/1019/1418.htm
(4) 博士生提交匿名送审论文截止时间:3月23日,需提交论文PDF电子档,命名为学院-学号,南望山校区发送至807286727@qq.com(Wendy),未来城校区发送至1028247468@qq.com(胡老师)。逾期不再受理。
The deadline for PhD candidates to submit anonymous thesis for blind review is March 23. Submit PDF edition to Ms. Wendy(807286727@qq.com) if you are in old campus, or submit PDF edition to Mr.Hu(1028247468@qq.com) if you are in new campus. Late application is not acceptable.
匿名外审论文要求:电子文档PDF 文件,命名为学院-学号。将学位论文的WORD 电子档删除本人及导师姓名、本人学号、个人简介、致谢、本人及导师的姓名等内容,页眉上姓名也需删除,最后转换为PDF文件,命名为“学院-学号”。
Requirements for anonymous thesis: PDF version named by “school (faculty/college)-student ID”. Inside your thesis, remove your name, your student ID, your supervisor's name, resume, acknowledgments and your name in the header.
March 24 to April 24 is the time of blind review and you will be waiting results during these days.
(6) 答辩时间地点由导师和学院安排,5月10日前在研究生管理系统申请答辩。
① 《答辩委员会组成审批表》一份,需学院研究生秘书审核并盖章;
② 答辩表决票(表决票打印份数以答辩委员数为准),需学院研究生秘书审核并盖章,否则无效;
③ 《学位申请及评定书》,答辩后需答辩评委签字。
The defense date and location are arranged by supervisor and department. Apply defense in Postgraduate Management System before May 10.
After supervisor and department secretary approved your application in the system, download the following materials from the system and print out:
① Approval Form for Defense Committee (one copy) , and take it to department secretary for stamp;
② Votes (print the same copies as the number of members in defense committee), and take them to department secretary for stamp, otherwise they are not valid.
③ Degree Application & Assessment Report (two copies), which need to be signed by defense committee after defense.
Finish final defense before May 25. The website is:, user-name is student ID and password is birthday (Year/Month/Day 19900229). Your name in this system will be the name on your diploma and degree, so if you find any mistake with your information, please inform office 209 to correct.
(7) 提交答辩材料至各学院。研究生管理系统学位申请截止时间:5月28日。
Submit defense materials to your department or your defense secretary and finish degree application in Postgraduate Management System before May 28.
二、 硕士研究生研究生论文评审、答辩及学位申请
Master candidates’ thesis review, defense and degree application
(1) 所有2020年上半年拟毕业硕士生自查是否达到申请答辩资格,即专业要求学分是否修满,中文必修课学分是否已修满(阅读、写作、普通话、当今中国),截止时间:2月15日;
All master candidates who are going to graduate in July of 2020 need to check if you are qualified for applying the defense. Check whether credits of major are finished according to your program plan, and whether the required Chinese courses (Reading,Writing, Mandarin, China Today) are finished by February 15, 2020.
(2) 3月5日前,工程学院硕士研究生提交《硕士论文盲审申请表》至209办公室,其他学院学生咨询各自导师和院系。
master candidates from Faculty of Engineering shall submit Application Form for Graduation Thesis Blind Review to Wendy before March 5, and students from other schools shall consult your supervisor and department about blind review.
Download link: http://iec.cug.edu.cn/info/1019/1418.htm
(3) 3月23日之前,工程学院硕士研究生提交完毕匿名评审学位论文PDF电子档,命名为“学院-学号”,发送至807286727@qq.com (Wendy)。其他学院由各学院安排处理;
Before March 23, master candidates from Faculty of Engineering shall submit anonymous thesis for blind review to Wendy (807286727@qq.com). Late application is not acceptable. Others’ do as your department requires.
匿名外审论文要求:电子文档PDF 文件,命名为学院-学号。将学位论文的WORD 电子档删除本人及导师姓名、本人学号、个人简介、致谢、本人及导师的姓名等内容,页眉上姓名也需删除,最后转换为PDF文件,命名为“学院-学号”。
Requirements for anonymous thesis: PDF version named by “school (faculty/college)-student ID”. Inside your thesis, remove your name, your student ID, your supervisor's name, resume, acknowledgments and your name in the header.
(4) 3月24日至4月24日为论文外审时间。论文外审通过后,请导师指定学位论文评阅人完成校内评审。
March 24 to April 24 is the time of blind review and you will be waiting results during these days. After you get the results of blind review, ask your supervisor to appoint 2-3 reviewers in CUG and finish internal review.
(5) 答辩时间地点由导师和学院安排,5月10日前在研究生管理系统申请答辩。
① 《答辩委员会组成审批表》一份,需学院研究生秘书审核并盖章;
② 答辩表决票(表决票打印份数以答辩委员数为准),需学院研究生秘书审核并盖章,否则无效;
③ 《学位申请及评定书》,答辩后需答辩评委签字。
The defense date and location are arranged by your supervisor and department. Apply defense in Postgraduate Management System before May 10.
After supervisor and department secretary approved your application in the system, download the following materials from the system and print out:
① Approval Form for Defense Committee (one copy) , and take it to department secretary for stamp;
② Votes (same copies as the number of members in defense committee), and take them to department secretary for stamp, otherwise they are not valid.
③ Degree Application & Assessment Report (two copies), which need to be signed by defense committee after defense.
Finish final defense before May 25. The website is:, user-name is student ID and password is birthday (Year/Month/Day 19900229). Your name in this system will be the name on your diploma and degree, so if you find any mistake with your information, please inform office 209 to correct.
(6) 提交答辩材料至各学院。研究生管理系统学位申请截止时间:5月28日。
Submit defense materials to your department or your defense secretary and finish degree application in Postgraduate Management System before May 28.
Bachelor candidates’ graduation arrangements
(1) 所有2020年上半年拟毕业本科生自查是否达到申请答辩资格,即专业要求学分是否修满,中文必修课学分是否已修满(阅读、写作、普通话、当今中国),截止时间:3月1日;
All bachelor candidates who are going to graduate in July of 2020 need to check if you are qualified for applying for the defense. Check whether credits of major are finished according to your program plan, and whether the required Chinese courses (Reading, Writing, Mandarin, China Today) are finished by March 1, 2020.
Contact office 209 if you still don’t have a supervisor. Please get in touch with your supervisor soon. Arrange your time properly according to thesis plan as follow.
(2) 请根据以下时间点合理安排论文写作
In the first week of beginning, you can make your thesis writing schedule based on your supervisor’s advice, which will make it more planed afterwards. The following time-line is for your reference.
At present, confirm your thesis topic and submit your outline to your supervisor.
The first thesis draft needs to be submitted to your supervisor before May 15.
The second thesis draft needs to be submitted to your supervisor before April 20..
The final thesis needs to be finished before the end of May.
Thesis defense will be between the end of May to early June.
(3) 尊重指导教师,虚心学习。在选题及论文过程中,应定期向导师汇报进展情况,在导师的指导下按时、独立、保质保量地完成毕业论文(设计)。
Respect your supervisor and be modest to learn. During the process of writing, you need to report your thesis progress at regular time to your supervisor, and finish your thesis on schedule independently.
(4) 必须至少在答辩前两周将定稿后的论文交导师评阅,于答辩前一周交评阅人评阅。
Submit your final draft to your supervisor in advance for two weeks before defense and submit your thesis to reviewers one week before defense as well.
Meeting on uploading thesis to Postgraduate Management system & Library will be held in the end of May. Time and place will be informed later.
五、学位照采集 Degree photo taking
Photo on diploma and degree will be taken on May 14-15, 2020.
六、延期申请 Extension Application
Students who will not be able to graduate in July 2020 shall apply for extension from Ms. Angela in April. Specific date will be informed later.
Join this QQ group if you will graduate in July 2020.
2020 CUG Graduates (Master&PhD)

2020 CUG Graduates (Bachelor)