According to University arrangement, the Winter Holiday will start from January 12nd to February 9th 2020. As noticed before, all the students should register with their holiday plan online before 17:00, January 12nd. Please scan the QR code to register:

请大家注意自己的签证到期日期, 需要办理签证延期的同学务必尽快前往209办公室找Summer老师进行办理。请同学们务必检查居留许可到期时间(2020年2月15号之前到期的同学请于1月14日前办理)。
Please pay attention to the expiration date of your visa. The office will not issue residence permit/visa during the winter holiday. Students who need to extend residence permit (Visa) MUST go to office 209 for Summer as soon as possible,plz check your expiry date (if before Feb. 15th, plz extend it before January 14th, 2020 ).
In order to ensure a safe living and learning environment during 2020 Winter Holiday, the International Student Affairs Office would like to remind students to pay attention to the safety tips:
Pay attention to using electricity safely. Do not use the prohibited or high-volume electricity appliances, like the electricstove. Do not personally change the electricity wires or structure without any permit. If any international student finds something unusual of the electricity use or appliances, please report to staff of the Property Service Centre.
All international students must comply with Chinese laws and regulations in addition to our university’s policies. Any violation of national laws, ordinances and statutes will result in legal penalties from the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice, and, according to the severity of the offense, students who commit violations will be given a serious warning that could lead to expulsion from China University of Geosciences(Wuhan). Please pay a special attention to the common violations such as illegal working with student visa, visa expiration, unruly behaviour due to alcohol, and disturbing others when living off campus. Students who need to ask for a leave must perform in strict accordance with CUG’s policies regarding taking leave for international students, which entails notifying and receiving permission from relevant teachers and departments.
Traffic and travel safety reminders: Please abideby all traffic laws and regulations and pay close attention to traffic safety. Riding motorcycles is not permitted. When riding battery-operated vehicles, do not overspeed or overload. If riding a bicycle, do not go against traffic or runred lights. If you are leaving Wuhan, you must inform the International Student Office, carry a valid passport with you at all times, and register your recommendation within 24 hours of arrival at your destination.
Reminders regarding safety when using elevators: When using an elevator, please do not overload. When an warning alarm occurs, it is supposed to exit the escalator quickly and steadily. If a malfunction occurs when using the escalator, please call maintenance or the police, and do not panic.
Tips to prevent theft and fraud: Do not carry a lot of cash when going out. Do not let strangers stay in your room. When leaving your room, make sure to lock windows and balconies. Refuse any form of sales promotion and protect your personal information. Take care of your personal documents, and do not let others use them on your behalf. Always carry a photocopy of your important documents (e.g. passports).
Emergency contacts: In the event of an emergency, please contact the relevant teacher when it is safe to do so. If you need urgent assistance, please call one of the following numbers:
Public Security: 110
Fire: 119
First Aid: 120
We hope that all students will keep these reminders in mind, and we wish you all a safe and happy Holiday!
International Student Services Office
January 6th 2020