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Notice on Academic Year 2019 / 2020 International Students’ Annual Review of China University of Geosciences


To all international students:

According to the relevant regulations of China Scholarship Council (CSC) and China University of Geosciences (CUG), the Academic Year 2019/2020 international students’ annual review is about to start. All the CUG international students (including CSC scholarship students, Presidential scholarship students, self-supported students, etc.) must participate in the annual review and only those who pass it will have the qualification to continue their study in the next academic year. Related items on the annual review are as follows:
1.Review Object

  1. International students who will continue their study in CUG as scheduled since September 2020;

  2. International Students who should graduate in July 2020 as planned, but will plan to apply for study extension and meet the extension requirements;

  3. The CSC scholarship students who disciplined termination of scholarship qualification because they failed to pass the last annual review.

  4. Review Content

    (1)For Preparatory Students and Chinese Language Students: With the total review score of 100 points, the review content consists of five parts: Ideological and Moral Behaviour (10 points), Academic Performance (50 points), Attendance Record (20 points), Study Attitude (10 points) and Activity Conduct (10 points).

    (2)For Undergraduate and Postgraduate students: With the total review score of 100 points, the review content consists of three parts: Ideological and Moral Behaviour (25 points), Academic Performance (60 points) and Activity Performance (15 points).

    3. Material Submission

    (1) Preparatory Students and Chinese Language Students. The following are the required documents to be submitted for the annual review of CUG preparatory students and Chinese language students:

    ①Preparatory students shall submit the “Annual Review Grading Form for CUG Preparatory Students”; while Chinese Language Students shall submit the “Annual Review Grading Form for CUG Chinese Language Students”;

    ②CSC scholarship students shall also submit the “Annual Review Form of CSC Scholarship”;


    ④Any kind of award certificate or other relevant supporting materials.

    (2)Undergraduate and Postgraduates. The following are the required documents to be submitted for the annual review of CUG undergraduate and postgraduate participants:

    ①Undergraduates should submit the “Annual Review Grading Form for CUG Undergraduates”; postgraduates should submit “Annual Review Grading Form for CUG Postgraduates”;

    ②CSC scholarship international students should also fill in “Annual Review Form of CSC Scholarship”;


    ④Any kinds of award certificates and other relevant supporting materials.
    4. Review procedure and schedule

  5. International Education College has established annual review leadership working team, and set review committee.

  6. Preparatory students and Language students shall submit the above required materials to the head teacher, and undergraduates and postgraduates shall submit the review materials mentioned above to their tutors from April 20 to May 5.

  7. The head teachers and tutors shall collect all review materials from May 6 to 15.

  8. The review committee will verify the materials, discuss and release the review result from May 16 to 25

  9. The final results of this annual review for CSC scholarship students will be decided by China Scholarship Council.

  10. Others

  11. Only electronic word or excel version of annual review materials are accepted, no hard copy will be needed.

  12. International students who fails to participate in the annual review within the stipulated time will be disqualified from studying at CUG, and the scholarship qualification will be terminated at the same time.

  13. International students must ensure the authenticity of the materials submitted, those who provide fictitious materials will be disqualified from studying at CUG, and the scholarship qualification will be terminated at the same time.


     International Education College

    China University of Geosciences

                           April 20, 2020





